Unit tests in Android projects

Purpose This article aims to teach you how to run unit tests from terminal and what is the output of those unit tests. Knowledge of this issue  is the first step to automating unit tests execution process. Beginning Let’s assume that you just finished the basic funcionality of your android application. The project consists of code … 


MVP for Android

Have you ever had problems with the lifecycle of an Activity or Fragment? The necessity to handle things like a configuration change, an activity kill because of low memory issues, removal of the entire app process, etc. always distinguished Android mobile enviroment from other application runtime enviroments. In our Android world there are many platform specific … 


Fragments in ViewPager

Using ViewPager with FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter appears to be quite easy and enjoyable. It could be done within few simple steps: Create layout .xml resource with ViewPager Create adapter and implement all required methods Set adapter instance to your ViewPager instance. Simple? Yes! – but like always only for easiest (also the most common) case Problem occurs when …